#1: Alpha test launch

I want to begin the first post in this dev blog with positive news: first alpha members just have received invites to Qase. I’m really excited about this fact and waiting for the first feedback.

If you want to get early access too, contact us. We will send you your personal invitation link.

This release includes the basic test case management features: projects, teams, test cases and test suits.


Usually, one team has in development more that one product or component of the system. These parts can be tested or even deployed separately. In Qase we call them projects.

Each project is an entry point to test case repository with cases, suits and etc.
In the current release, you can only create new projects. In further updates, we will add project settings page with the following features:

  • Custom test case fields
  • Access control
  • Integrations with external services
  • Delete or archive project


Test case is the most important entity used by test teams. It tells, how this or that feature works and how we should test it to be sure, that everything working properly.

In alpha, you are able to create/update/delete/view cases.


Test suites are logical groups or collections for test cases. In alpha, you are able to create/modify/delete them. For now, they are simple, but in further updates, you will be able to attach them to milestones, define pre-conditions/post-conditions for the whole suite.


Usually, if you want to build a great product, you need a great team. To build perfect product, you need a quality assurance. We are building a product for Dev and QA teams. That’s why teamwork and collaboration is very important in development process.

In alpha, when you signup in the application, you become a test team owner. You can invite new members to join your team. As an owner, you can disable your team member account. After that, this user won’t able to login into the app, until you enable account.

Team activity stream shows last actions performed by your team members. For example test case creation, test suit modification and etc.

After beta release, we are going to add RBAC into the app.