Qase January Updates

Heya! Dear customers and other nice people, this month on our menu: Integrations with Trello and Slack, a few fixes in the Test Run Wizard and a few more updates for dessert. Check out the description for more details. And enjoy using the Qase app.


New Trello App is ready for use. You can install it on Apps page.

Let's see how it works. Create a new task in Trello when a defect is detected during a test run in Qase.


Second course: Slack App. You can also install it on Apps page. The Slack App provides you an ability to get all notifications in one place.

Follow the simple instruction on how to install the application. During the installation you should select a default channel.

After installation, you can choose the settings configurations you want. You can configure notifications and a channel per project.

Let's see how it turns out. Magic? No. Science.

New layout for dock/undock view

A new format for previewing a case in the repository, in which the case is displayed at the top of the tree. We did this primarily for the convenience of viewing detailed information about the test case. And it’s beautiful.

Added linked external issues to the test-case view

And this is for dessert: there is now a block containing external links in the case preview.

Increased Test Run Wizard performance

Now it works very well even on not very productive machines. Stable work is also observed on test runs with ~1000 test cases. Video with example (on the feature branch and on a weak machine):

Now you can perform harder and faster, enjoy!

New Time Tracker logic for Test Run Wizard

The consequences of fixing the time counter in Wizard led to the creation of new logic. It is extremely simple - when you open the test wizard writes the current value of time in the local storage, when you exit Wizard and do not complete the test case, this time is saved. And when the user continues to pass a previously opened test case, the difference between the time of exit and the time of the first opening is calculated and the new value of the last test case opening in Wizard is also written. When the result is completed, the accumulated time and the difference between the time of completion of the test case and the time of its extreme opening are finally summed up. You can still set the transit time manually when disabling "Fast pass" or when using bulk for submitting results.
This had a significant impact on performance.

As you can see, we've done a lot of work. And we're going to keep doing it. See ya!