Qase June Updates

We heard about your huge appetite for integrations. That’s understandable: to effectively work in today's inter-connected world, we need to include the other tools you already rely upon. And we’ve also added some new features to improve Qase further.

New App is ready for use. You can install it on the Apps page.

To install the app you should add the app to your account and then authorize it in Qase.

You can create a new item in Monday when you file a defect during a test run in Qase.

You can attach or detach test cases and runs to/from Monday items.

There is two-way status sync between Monday items and Qase defects. To get this feature, you should first configure the defect status mapping.

Whenever you change a specified Monday item column, the corresponding Qase defect will be updated.

Azure DevOps

New Azure DevOps App is ready for use. You can install it on Apps page.

To install the app you should enable the ‘Third-party application access via OAuth’ policy on the Organization Settings page.

You can create a new task in Azure DevOps when you file a defect during a test run in Qase.

There is two-way statuses sync between Azure DevOps task and Qase defect — whenever you mark Azure task as completed, the corresponding Qase defect will be updated.

You can attach or detach test cases and runs to /from an Azure task.

Performance improvement

We have worked hard on improving the core of the application, and now it works much faster. Before this update, your browser would fully reload the page when switching to various sections (for example, from the list of projects to a specific project); now the entire application works without a single page reload - this significantly reduces the cost of loading resources and decreases the load time for pages by a factor of two!

For example, the transition from the list of projects to a specific project used to take 5 seconds - now it only takes 2 seconds. The same is fair for the initial page load.

Easy theme switching

We decided to remove all themes except light and dark and to add the ability to switch between the themes regardless of the Qase page you’re currently viewing! Now, if you want to lower the brightness of your display, you only need to press one button without being distracted from your tasks in the application.


Updated submenus

We have redesigned the left-hand side submenu and the sections it contains. The way that the submenu can be collapsed and expanded provides for a much smoother and more pleasant user experience. In addition, we have added the ability to hide subsections that you are not using frequently.


We also moved some sections around so that they would be easier to access: Configurations and Environments are now always in the submenu, you no longer need to go to the project settings to set these up.

There have also been changes on the Workspace page. All billing-related settings can now be found there.

Added a modal window when deleting a shared step

We've given another thought to the way shared steps are removed. Now there is a modal window where you can choose what you want to do with the test cases where this shared step is used. You can remove this shared step from these test cases, or you can convert it into a regular step.


Added a toggle to collapse revisions in requirements

We have added the ability to collapse revisions in requirements. Now they won't take up screen space if you don't need the change history.


Add checkbox for all projects selection

We have added the ability to enable a field for all projects with a checkbox. In this case, the selected field will be added to all projects in the workspace, including those that will be created in the future.


Combined access rights to system and custom fields

We have combined permissions for custom and system fields. Now, when setting up a role, you can specify one access right to view, edit, delete, or create a field. Regardless of its type - system or custom.

Removed system fields settings from project settings

We also removed the settings for fields from the project settings. Because, in fact, the functionality of the settings was duplicated in a special section "Fields" in the workspace, which created some confusion. Now from the project you can follow the link to the "Fields" section and configure all the fields there.

Added filters for fields

For convenience, we have added filters to the Fields page, now you can filter by:

  1. entity type
  2. input type
  3. projects
  4. required
  5. type (system/custom)