Qase product update: July 2024 releases

Get the details of what Qase released in July 2024, including new AI capabilities, improved UX, and simplified Jira mapping.

While many folks were taking a well-earned rest during the month of July, here at Qase we continued to work hard to deliver even more exciting solutions to help address our customer’s testing needs. July saw the release of our new AI Manual Test Case Generator, powered by OpenAI, making it quick and simple to generate test cases from your requirements. 

We also addressed customer feedback regarding our UX and have released a new, improved, folders view to make it easier to manage and navigate your repository and simplified the process of adding and managing your status mappings between Qase and Jira. 

At Qase we take great pride in listening to our customers and delivering solutions that make your lives easier. We hope you enjoy working with these new features and that you continue to ship high quality products, faster.

Happy Testing,


Any new feature that started as a feature request on Canny will be marked as “✅ Feature request completed.”

Qase AI Test Case Generator and AI Auto-Test Converter (beta)

July 30, 2024

Speed up your manual and automated test case production by pairing the AI Test Case Generator with the AI Auto-Test Converter — both now in beta.*

Qase’s AI Test Case Generator allows you to enter your requirements and, leveraging the power of Generative AI, Qase will produce a set of test cases based on those requirements.

You can also convert existing manual tests to automated in a single click with our AI Auto-Test Converter. Simply select the test case you want to convert, select the test type and preferred language, and Qase’s AI will instantly convert it to an automated test case, reducing the time to write the test cases and supporting your journey towards automation. 

*Qase’s AI features are currently only available to Business and Enterprise users. 

A note about data privacy: Using Qase’s AI Test Case Generator will NOT result in your data being used to train the LLM that we use. This beta version uses ChatGPT API Platform for the test case generation. In this version (API Platform) OpenAI explicitly states that "We do not train on your business data."  Review the privacy statement

New folders view

July 30, 2024 

✅ Feature request completed

We listened to customer feedback about our folder view not behaving as expected and have improved the experience.

Now, when you click on a test suite folder you’ll be able to see the contents of the folder including test cases as well as sub-folders (child suites).

We’ve also distinguished the folder view from the nested view after receiving feedback that the views looked too similar. With the new design, you can quickly determine which view you are in via folder icons in the navigation tree. We also made the navigation tree wider to make it easier to identify the folder you wish to navigate to. And with test cases and child suites now displayed in the main view, they’re even easier to locate.

Simplified Jira status mapping

July 26, 2024

We’ve streamlined Jira status mapping! You can now set the mapping for one project and simply copy the mapping to the rest of your projects. 

This update will reduce mapping time and significantly improve the previous experience when integrating with Jira. 

We have additional improvements for this feature planned for upcoming sprints and look forward to sharing more in a future product update.

Stay tuned for more updates next month

To find out about new and improved features as soon as they release, make sure you follow us on Linkedin.

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