Qase Blog
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We’ve officially hit 5,000 test runs executed with Qase’s AI Test Case Generator — saving customers an estimated 2,000 hours of manual work.
A QA engineer uses an experience with her motorbike to explain why reporting a bug isn’t always straightforward, then offers advice on how to improve the process.
Discover how Bitly uses Qase as a single source of truth, bringing the whole team together with a more transparent, collaborative, and optimized approach to QA.
Learn what heuristics aim to do and explore how to use them more intentionally in software testing.
How did "bug" become a symbol for something negative and when did it enter the world of software?
Advice from a career consultant on how to prepare for a recruiter screen for a QA role, including what to research and why.
Discover the value of building a continuous learning mindset and expanding your knowledge beyond QA.
Get the details of what Qase released in July 2024, including new AI capabilities, improved UX, and simplified Jira mapping.
Video recaps and key takeaways from Qase's Berlin Quality Engineering Meetup in August 2024 at the JetBrains offices.
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