Qase Product Update: Winter

Fall is gone and has left us with changes – after all, the only constant is change! And that’s what Qase is about. We improve constantly to insure that we're providing the absolute best software testing management experience for our customers.

Nested steps

Now you can nest one classic step inside another (Gherkin steps don’t support nesting).

You can drag and drop step over another step to nest it.


Nested steps limitations

Only steps without children can have results, results for parent steps will be calculated based on children's results.

You can nest a shared step (shared steps cannot contain nested steps).

New Table view

There is an option to switch to a table view of the case’s steps in the test case preview.


There is a new shortcut to create a nested step (cmd/ctrl+shift+.)

Now you can create a new step just after a selected step; a shortcut for step creation also places a new step just after the selected one.


Multiparameters extend the existing Parameters feature. Now users can create up to 10 parameters (such as OS, Browser, etc.) with an unlimited parameter value count. If a parametrized case is added to a test run, multiple copies for every parameter variation will be created in the run. Multiparameters are also supported in our public API: users can create test cases, send results by one or via bulk method.

Qase Robot Framework 2.0.0

  • In 2.0.0 we have switched API client to an autogenerated from the swagger
  • Added support for nested steps and keywords (+ fixed an issue from #73)
  • Pass Test Run title through the environment variable
  • Pass Environment ID through the environment variable
  • Added an option to redefine host
  • Added an option to switch between sync and async modes. In a sync mode, results are sent to Qase after each individual test case execution. In async mode, all results are submitted after run execution.
  • is_autotest option is passed to all results by default.
  • Added support for Live Documetation mode, when test cases are created or updated in Qase after the result is submitted. To use this option, enable Auto create test cases setting in project settings in Qase.

Qase Pytest 4.1.0

  • Added support for parametrized tests (#47)
  • Added support for nested steps
  • Fixed an issue with pytest-xdist when it was installed, but not enabled (#76)
  • is_autotest options is passed to all results by default (#59)
  • Pass test run title through the environment variable or config file (#52)
  • Pass Environment ID through the environment variable or config file (#52)
  • Fixed an issue with passing plan_id to Qase API (#66, #49)
  • Fixed an issue with sending results with steps after updating API client (#82)
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