Qase June 2023 Updates

Hello there! For our latest release we updated our run dashboard to make it faster and more efficient. Plus, we’ve added some cool new features like stats in the Wizard, and an easier-to-use suite of stats. You'll also notice that our authentication system got a facelift with a fresh new look to make it more informative. Enjoy!

New run dashboard

General performance and speed improvements

Tree representation: We have reworked the tree presentation considering the nesting levels of cases, ensuring convenience of viewing even large and complex runs.


Compact information display: The interface has become even more intuitive and informative, allowing more data to be placed on the page and simplifying navigation.


Improved data loading speed: We have significantly optimised the data loading process, which has made the operation smoother and faster.

New features and improvements

Statistics in the Wizard: We have added a display of statistics for suites in the Wizard, taking into account only directly nested cases for a clearer and simpler presentation.


More accessible suite statistics: We have reworked the layout of the statistics in the main tree, simplifying access to the data and adding a time display.


New auth pages


We're excited to announce a significant visual update to our authentication system. Our login and registration pages have been completely redesigned with a sleek, modern interface. This update not only brings a fresh look to the platform, but also aims to improve overall user interaction and engagement. These enhancements reflect our commitment to providing a user-friendly experience that is both efficient and enjoyable. We hope you appreciate the new design as much as we do. Stay tuned for future updates!

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