Vitaly has more than 22 years of experience as a developer and manager. He is a quality enthusiast and loves helping people happily build great products.
Introducing our project to build much-needed websites for animal shelters while coaching junior devs through portfolio-worthy work that aligns with their passions.
Websites require more dev resources to build and more browser memory than ever before. With rising dev costs and slower page loads — is the complexity worth it?
Automated tools tend to promise programmers and development teams faster, more efficient workflows, but relying solely on automated code review tools won’t guarantee you high-quality code.
Automated code review is the process of using software tools to automatically analyze source code for issues such as bugs, security vulnerabilities, and
Code review is a standard part of the software development process in many companies, but in many cases performing code reviews is inefficient or even illogical.
For this article, I’ll focus on only pull-request-based code reviews. With pull-request code reviews, a developer works on some code and then sends