Qase Blog
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An exploration of how crafting as a hobby can help build creative-thinking and problem-solving skills that serve testers in their professional work.
Advice for designing a software release process, including how to define tooling and address common challenges, from Bragi's Head of QA and Release.
The idea that QA is a bottleneck is myth, so why do we keep hearing it? Let's break down how this myth is perpetuated.
The idea that QA is a dying field is greatly exaggerated, but the role itself has evolved. Explore the changes and consider what this role will look like in the future.
Thoughts on the CrowdStrike global outage and the resulting report from an IT professional with 20+ years of experience.
Guidance and resources for creating more accessible events, covering considerations for physical disabilities and neurodiversity.
A collection of some of the best memes from the Crowdstrike global IT outage on July 19, 2024.
Actionable advice for navigating the Quality Assurance job market from a strategic Global Career and Corporate Consultant.
A guide to stress testing software including what it is, why its important, how it differs from other testing types, and how to do it well.
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