Qase product update: September 2024 releases

Get the details of everything Qase released in September 2024, including enhancements to features based on customer feedback.

In September, we focused on enhancing many of our existing features. We’re always looking for ways to help customers streamline their work and collaborate easier. 

As always, any new feature that started as a feature request on Canny includes “✅ Feature request completed.”

Enhanced comment capabilities 

September 20, 2024

✅ Feature request completed

Ability to edit and delete comments

Users can now delete and/or edit their own comments. Any changes to comments will be stored in the audit log. And if you accidentally delete comments, don’t worry; we’ve also added the ability to recover them.

Option to tag users in comments

Tag other users or yourself in comments to keep everyone informed. New tags will trigger a notification either in-app or via email. All notifications can be configured in settings. 

Ability to connect existing external issues to Qase defects

September 19, 2024

We’ve enhanced our integration with third-party issue trackers so that you can connect defects in Qase to existing defects in your issue tracker of choice.  Previously, you had to create a new defect rather than link to an existing one. 

Once you have connected your preferred issue tracker, you can take advantage of two-way communication. While in your Qase workspace, in either the defect view or test run view, select “link with apps” to link the defect to your issue tracker. 

You can also update your issues within your issue tracker, and they will automatically update in Qase. 

Requirements Traceability Report enhancements

✅ Feature request completed

In September we made improvements to our Requirements Traceability Report (RTR). This report, which is available to Business and Enterprise users, allows you to quickly identify any failed tests and corresponding defect statuses, helping you prioritize and address critical issues effectively.

CSV & PDF downloads now available for RTR

September 19, 2024

We added the ability to download requirements traceability reports. Currently, the report is available in two formats:

  • CSV: Ideal for exporting and processing data in other tools
  • PDF: The quickest way to share the report with key stakeholders 

The PDF download is currently in beta. Future releases will include improvements in the design and additional support for large file sizes. 

Ability to manually mark test cases as updated 

If a requirement is modified more recently than the test case itself, the test case will show a “needs update” warning in Qase. This warning helps keep your team informed of any changes and flags the associated test cases. 

Of course, not all modifications in requirements call for a specific update on the test case side, so we’ve added the ability to manually mark test cases as updated and remove the “needs update” warning from the report. 

Tags management enhancements

September 09, 2024

We introduced several improvements to the Tags Management feature in Qase to help you organize and manage your test cases more efficiently:

  • Tag search: Quickly find tags by typing in their names, and the tag list will update in real-time. 
  • Bulk delete: Manage your tags more efficiently with the new bulk delete functionality.
  • Tag renaming: Rename tags and automatically update all associated test cases.
  • Filter by author: Easily filter tags based on their creator.
  • Sorting options: Sort tags by Title, Author, Test case count, Test run count, and Defect count.

We’ve also added duplicate tag prevention to address a previous issue that allowed multiple tags with the same name to be created. 

Happy testing!

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