As Harold F. Dodge said:
You can not inspect quality into a product.
He meant that the system should be designed to produce a quality product.
This article is about team design: principles of team construction that will allow the team to produce a quality product.
We know what ‘product’
This month we called “Qase against bugs” and fixed a lot of them. Let's take a look at some of the most annoying bugs we've fixed.
* Fixed missed projects in YouTrack project list
* Fixed updating test case fields via CSV import
* Returning from the defect details page now leads to
We heard about your huge appetite for integrations. That’s understandable: to effectively work in today's inter-connected world, we need to include the other tools you already rely upon. And we’ve also added some new features to improve Qase further.
New App is ready for
As always we have something interesting for you. To be more specific: one integration and several features. More specifically: read below.
New Redmine App is ready for use. You can install it on Apps page.
To install the app you should enable the ‘Enable REST web service’ option in
Today we are greeting new features. Dear Features, Welcome to Qase! People, please give them a warm hello 😘
Add a search box to the fields list page
A very convenient feature is here! We have added the ability to search by name in fields.
Choosing default options for custom fields
Spring has arrived, and our updates have blossomed like flowers! We have no idea what that means, just look at what we have prepared for you this month:
Test Run Linking
This feature allow to see the history of test runs directly within the Jira issue.
How to display the
New integrations again! This month YouTrack and GitLab. And many more nice features that are sure to make you smile and perform more productively.
New YouTrack App is ready for use. You can install it on Apps page.
To install YouTrack App you should provide a YouTrack URL and
Heya! Dear customers and other nice people, this month on our menu: Integrations
with Trello and Slack, a few fixes in the Test Run Wizard and a few more updates
for dessert. Check out the description for more details. And enjoy using the
Qase app.
New Trello App is
New Year's Eve is an excellent time to reflect on the previous year and our progress over the last 12 months. We will share what has happened to the company and tell you about the most remarkable events in this post.
The team is the most crucial thing in