Test automation management

Qase is a modern TestOps platform that lets you orchestrate test execution from various sources and environments on one platform.

horizontal rule


Supported frameworks


Tests processed every month


Engineers trust us

Prevent failures. Improve testability. Release with confidence.

Best-practices scaling

Scale automated testing the most efficient way - with a TMS that helps you schedule, manage, run and report on every test on one platform.

TestOps for DevOps

Scale automated testing the most efficient way - with a TMS that helps you schedule, manage, run and report on every test on one platform.

Agile friendly

Qase makes agile easier, by allowing clearer observability and organization of testing, with role-based access control and custom dashboards.


Ready-to-go integrations with 30+ software testing frameworks

Qase provides pre-built plugins and reporters for different programming languages and frameworks. Connect in a few minutes and get real-time reports in seconds.

Control pane for all your tests

Custom dashboards with more than 100 different widgets and templates provide visibility across all projects.

  • Flaky tests
  • Automation progress
  • Performance
  • Test pyramid visualization
Try it now →

Every test type, one workspace.

Unit tests

Integration tests

End-to-end tests

Advance your QA testing in minutes

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